Thursday, September 01, 2011

RKWard on Scientific Linux

Update: It's probably a good idea to put the summary up front. I even confused myself when installing on another computer this weekend.

1. Install any of the above listed build dependencies that are not on your system.
2. Download the latest rkward source.
3. Unpack the source, enter the directory.
4. mkdir build; cd build
5. cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
6. make -j 4 (or however many processors you've got)
7. make install (as root)
8. Start RKWard. Click on >> Settings >> Configure RKWard
9. Add /usr/share/kde4/apps/rkward/all.pluginmap under the section titled "Select .pluginmap file(s)"

{The last step may not be needed. You'll know if it is when you open RKWard.}

-- Actual post follows --

As with LyX 2.0, I'm going to have to bite the bullet and build RKWard myself. A Google search for "building rkward" leads me to koji.

The requirements are listed as (omitting rmplibs):
R-devel >= 2.13.1

 I'm missing giflib-devel and kdelibs-devel on my system, so I install them. I download the rkward source and unpack it.

Following the instructions on this page:
I do the following.

mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..        {I'm not specifying any options}
make -j 4
make install

It works (there's an entry for it under "Education") but not correctly. I get a message "Plugins are needed: you may manage these through "Settings->Configure RKWard"." Unfortunately no such option exists.

I look at the documentation again. I try
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
make -j 4
make install

The plugins message still comes up, but now I've got a full menu and the ability to open files. I open >> Settings >> Configure RKWard and the menu is on Plugins. I added /usr/share/kde4/apps/rkward/all.pluginmap.

Now when I open RKWard there are no more error messages and everything works properly.

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